Restoring files with Backblaze

You can restore files from Backblaze to any computer. It may be helpful to use the computer that actually contained the files you need if it’s available. This allows you to transfer files back to the same place on the drive where they were before the loss.

BackBlaze may not be your primary line of defense. You shouldn’t need Backblaze if the Time Machine backup is working - use Time Machine first since it does hourly backups, it’s easier and there’s no delay for downloads.

  1. Go to the Backblaze web site at
  2. Click Sign In to Restore on the right side.
  3. Enter the email address & password for the Backblaze account and click Sign In.
  4. Find the computer that contained the file and click Restore File.
  5. Choose an option – usually download a zip file for free.
  6. Choose a machine on the left side and a date/time when the desired version of the files/folders were still on the drive.
  7. Type in the search box or navigate through the folders on the drive until you find what you need.
  8. Check the boxes next to entire folders to restore (left column) or just the files you need (right column).
  9. A checkmark means the entire contents of the folder will be restored. A – means only certain items inside will be restored.
  10. After you select all the items you need, click Continue with Restore on the right.
  11. Click My Restores on the left. If the items you need are not yet available, wait a few minutes.
  12. Click Download across from the item you need.
  13. Wait for the download to complete, then open your Downloads folder (click the Finder, click the Go menu and choose Downloads).
  14. Double-click the .zip file. It expands into a folder.
  15. Drag the folder or files to the folder where they were before the loss, or wherever you like.

Learn more about transferring files and backup.

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