Google Backup & Sync Windows setup

With the Google Backup & Sync app installed on your computer, all the files in your online Google Drive automatically download and sync with the Google Drive folder saved on your computer. Any changes you make to the files are uploaded, and edits made on other devices update the files on your folder. You’ll always have the latest files… no matter where or who makes them.

Look for the triangle-shaped Google Backup & Sync icon in your bottom task bar. If it’s there, Google Backup & Sync is already running – see Accessing Files below.

Installing Google Backup & Sync

You’ll only have to install and sign into Google Backup & Sync once on your computer. After that, Google Backup & Sync opens automatically and syncs your files when you log into your desktop. And Google Backup & Sync may already be installed on your computer. Click Start or look in the Programs. If you find it, open Google Backup & Sync and skip to step 6.

  1. Sign into Google and switch to the Drive app at the top of the page.
  2. Click Download Google Backup & Sync. Wait for the download to complete.
  3. Google Backup & Sync installer opens.
  4. Sign into Google Drive. Enter your Gmail or Google account (usually your email address) and password and click Sign In.
  5. Click Next and Start Sync.
  6. Google Backup & Sync is added to your task bar. You can also add it to the desktop – click the Windows Explorer open your documents. Right-click Google Drive and create a shortcut. Drag the Google Drive shortcut to your desktop.
  7. Wait for Google Backup & Sync to download your files. Depending on how many files you have, the first time could take an hour or more.

Accessing files in your Google Drive

When you’re on your own PC, it’s as easy to work with Google Drive as any other folder.

  1. Open your Google Drive folder from the task bar, desktop or sidebar. Can’t find it? Click Start and Windows Explorer, then My Documents.
  2. Drag files and folders in or out of the Google Drive folder. Or save files directly into Google Drive from any application.
  3. Files are updated in the cloud in minutes, or the next time you’re online.
  4. Click the Google Drive icon in the task bar to check the current status of cloud sync.

Missing shared folders? If your Google Drive folder doesn’t show folders other people have shared with you, then you may need to log into Google Drive on the web and add them to your drive. See Viewing items people have shared with you.

See Google Drive sync tips. There’s so much you can do with Google Drive. If you sometimes use Mac, install the Google Drive app on a Mac. It’s also an easy way to share files between a computer, iPhone and iPad. Collaborate on projects? Share items in your with colleagues.

Learn more about using Google apps with Windows & devices.

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